Meanings & Origins of Elvis
What does Elvis mean? What is the origin?
Elf wine; Noble friend
Elvis \e-lvis, el-vis\ as a boy's name is pronounced EL-viss. Possibly related to Alvis from Norse mythology. Made famous by the late singer/actor Elvis Presley. Name of a sixth-century Irish saint, who is also known as Elwyn, Elwin, Elian and Allan. World champion skater Elvis Stojko; football player Elvis Grbac.
Elvis has 6 variant forms: Alvis, Alvys, Elvio, Elviss, Elvo and Elvys.
For more information, see also related names Kelvis and Yoelvis.
Baby names that sound like Elvis are Alviss and Alvise.
More Details About Elvis
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Popularity of Elvis
There were 154 US births last year.
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