Meanings & Origins of Jovan
What does Jovan mean? What is the origin?
Jovan \j(o)-van\ as a boy's name is pronounced jo-VAHN. It is of Latin origin. Variant of Jove, from Jupiter (Latin) "the supreme God". Mythology: Jupiter was the supreme deity of Roman mythology, corresponding to the Greek Zeus. Some 20 saints have used the Latin form of the name, Jovanus. The Jovani variants may also be phonetic forms of Giovanni.
Jovan has 13 variant forms: Jeovani, Jeovanni, Jeovany, Jovani, Jovann, Jovanni, Jovanny, Jovany, Jove, Jovi, Jovin, Jovito and Jovon.
For more information, see also the related name John.
Baby names that sound like Jovan are Javan, Jevan and Jivan.
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Popularity of Jovan
There were 100 US births last year.
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