Meanings & Origins of Lech
What does Lech mean? What is the origin?
Lech \l(e)-ch\ as a boy's name is of Slavic origin. Slavic mythology: name of the founder of the Polish people. His brothers Russ and Czech were the progenitors of the Russian and Czech nations, respectively. The name was borne by Lech Walesa, the courageous shipyard worker and labor organizer who led the campaign to bring down the Communist government in Poland.
Baby names that sound like Lech are Lugh, Lock, Lucho, Luck and Luc. Other similar baby names are Rich, Lee, Beech, Beach, Leigh, Lacy, Larch, Le-, Leo, Lea, Leif, Leith, Le, Lem, Lenn, Len, Lev, Leon, Les, Levi, Levy, Lew, Luce, Roch, Welch and Zach.
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Popularity of Lech
There were 0 US births last year.
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