
The meaning, origin, popularity, similar names, and other details about the boy name Virgil

Meanings & Origins of Virgil

What does Virgil mean? What is the origin?

Origin English
Meaning Flourishing
Origin Latin
Meaning Virgil \v(i)-rgil, vir-gil\ as a boy's name is pronounced VER-jil. It is of Latin origin. From Vergilius. Clan name: possibly means "staff bearer", referring to the staff's use as part of official insignia in ancient Rome. The writings of Virgil, the Roman poet-philosopher, have provided classic texts for the study of Roman history and the Latin language for the past 2,000 years. Composer Virgil Thomson.

Virgil has 4 variant forms: Verge, Vergil, Vergilio and Virgilio.

Baby names that sound like Virgil are Fergall and Forgael.

More Details About Virgil

How popular is Virgil? Any other details?

Popularity of Virgil There were 73 US births last year.
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Names Similar To Virgil

Here is are a few lists of name that are similar in many ways to the name Virgil

Virgil is a boy name.
Virgil starts with V
Virgil is 6 letters long

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