Meanings & Origins of Clarinda
What does Clarinda mean? What is the origin?
Bright; Shining; Clear
Clarinda \c-larin-da, cl(a)-ri-nda\ as a girl's name is of Latin origin. Elaboration of Clara with the -inda ending (as in Belinda and Lucinda). Literary: the name was first used in Spenser's "Faerie Queene" (16th century). The name was influenced by Clorinda, which is an elaboration of Chloris. Poet Robert Burns (18th century) also used the name Clarinda in his poems.
For more information, see also the related name Claire.
Baby names that sound like Clarinda are Clayrinda and Clairinda. Other similar baby names are Calinda, Caranda, Clarita, Clarine, Chlorinda, Corrinda, Corinda, Florinda and Larinda.
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There were 0 US births last year.
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