Meanings & Origins of Gigi
What does Gigi mean? What is the origin?
Gigi \gi-gi\ as a girl's name is pronounced JEE-jee, zhee-ZHEE. It is of French origin. Pet form of names like Georgina, Virginia, etc. Literary: the name of a young girl in a French novel by Colette, later made into an award-winning stage play and movie musical, with glamorous and "gamine" charm given the name by Audrey Hepburn's performance.
Gigi has 2 variant forms: GeeGee and G.G..
For more information, see also the related name Gilberte.
Baby names that sound like Gigi are Kiki, Keiki and Kiko.
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Popularity of Gigi
There were 51 US births last year.
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