Meanings & Origins of Marjorie
What does Marjorie mean? What is the origin?
Marjorie \m(a)-rjo-rie, mar-jorie\ as a girl's name is pronounced MAR-jor-ee. It is of English origin. Variant of the French Margery, from Margaret (Greek) "pearl". Brought to England in the 12th century as Margery, and used steadily until a late 19th-century revival. Literary: The name was made famous by Herman Wouk's "Marjorie Morningstar". See also Marjo.
Marjorie has 19 variant forms: Marcharie, Marge, Margeree, Margery, Margerie, Margery, Margey, Margi, Margie, Margy, Marja, Marje, Marjerie, Marjery, Marji, Marjie, Marjorey, Marjory and Marjy.
For more information, see also the related name Maisie.
Baby names that sound like Marjorie are Marjori, Margerita, Margeret and Margerey.
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There were 205 US births last year.
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