Meanings & Origins of Nana
What does Nana mean? What is the origin?
Mother of the Earth
Nana \n(a)-na\ as a girl's name is pronounced NAH-nah. It is of Hawaiian origin. Name of a spring month and the name of a star. The Spanish Nana is a pet form of Ana. Nana and Nanny have come to mean "grandmother" or "person who looks after children".
For more information, see also related names Ann and Nan.
Baby names that sound like Nana are Nona, Nina, Nani, Nanna, Nania, Nann, Nyna and Nena. Other similar baby names are Lana, Hana, Iana, Dana, Nanda, Gana, Jana, Nava, Nata, Nada, Naia, Rana, Sana, Tana, Vana, Yana and Zana.
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Popularity of Nana
There were 27 US births last year.
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