Meanings & Origins of Sabrina
What does Sabrina mean? What is the origin?
Sabrina \s(a)-bri-na, sab-rina\ as a girl's name is pronounced sa-BREE-nah. It is of Celtic origin. Mythology: the name of a Celtic maiden in a Welsh tale. In Celtic legend, Sabrina was the character who gave her name to the river Severn (in England). Known in modern times through the play and movie "Sabrina Fair". The name was used in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Sabrina has 11 variant forms: Breena, Brina, Sabreen, Sabreena, Sabrena, Sabrene, Sabrinna, Sabryna, Sebreena, Sebrina and Zabrina.
For more information, see also the related name Bree.
Baby names that sound like Sabrina are Sypriana, Sipriana, Supriana and Spring.
Legendary princess
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There were 731 US births last year.
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