
The meaning, origin, popularity, similar names, and other details about the girl name Tatiana

Meanings & Origins of Tatiana

What does Tatiana mean? What is the origin?

Origin Russian
Meaning Tatiana \t(a)-tia-na\ as a girl's name is pronounced ta-TYA-nah, tat-YAH-nah. It is of Russian and Latin origin. Feminine form of Tatius, a Roman family clan name. A king by this name was said to have reigned over the Sabines and the Romans with the legendary Romulus. Also the name of a third-century saint. Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg named her second daughter Tatiana. See also Tiana. Actress Tatyana Ali; opera celebrity Tatiana Troyannos.

Tatiana has 21 variant forms: Taitiann, Taitianna, Tania, Tanya, Tassiana, Tati, Tatia, Tatiania, Tatianna, Tatie, Tatihana, Tatijana, Tatiyana, Tatjana, Tatyana, Tatyanah, Tatyanna, Taziana, Tetyana, Tiatiana and Tonya.

For more information, see also the related name Titania.

Baby names that sound like Tatiana are Tashana, Tashina and Toshiana.

Origin Romanian
Meaning variant of an ancient Italian name; myth name

More Details About Tatiana

How popular is Tatiana? Any other details?

How to pronounce, Tatiana? \t(a)-tia-na\
Popularity of Tatiana There were 414 US births last year.
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Names Similar To Tatiana

Here is are a few lists of name that are similar in many ways to the name Tatiana

Tatiana is a girl name.
Tatiana starts with T
Tatiana is 7 letters long

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