
The meaning, origin, popularity, similar names, and other details about the unisex name Dee

Meanings & Origins of Dee

What does Dee mean? What is the origin?

Origin Celtic
Meaning Young girl; One who rages; Broken-hearted
Origin English
Meaning Abbreviation of names beginning with the letter D-
Origin Welsh
Meaning swarthy
Origin Scottish
Meaning Dee \dee\ as a boy's name (also used as girl's name Dee), is of Scottish origin. Place name: a significant river that runs into the North Sea at Aberdeen.

Baby names that sound like Dee are De-, Da-, Dai, Dawe, Daw, Day, Daye, Dewey, Dewie, Dewi, Dow, Dowe, Teo and Tye. Other similar baby names are Del, Dre, Lee, Deke, Dene, Deen, Den, Des, Dev and Fee.

More Details About Dee

How popular is Dee? Any other details?

Popularity of Dee There were 0 US births last year.
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Names Similar To Dee

Here is are a few lists of name that are similar in many ways to the name Dee

Dee is a unisex name.
Dee starts with D

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