
The meaning, origin, popularity, similar names, and other details about the unisex name Madison

Meanings & Origins of Madison

What does Madison mean? What is the origin?

Origin English
Meaning Gift of God; Strong fighter; son of the mighty warrior
Origin English
Meaning Gift of God; Strong fighter
Origin German
Meaning Son of a mighty warrior
Origin Greek
Meaning Madison \m(a)-di-son\ as a boy's name (also used as girl's name Madison), is pronounced MAD-ih-sun. Derived from the medieval woman's name Madeleine (Greek, French) "woman from Magdala". The surname evolved from Madde, which was a nickname for Madeleine. Use of Madison as a first name is influenced by James Madison, a major contributor to the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as well as American President during the War of 1812. Novelist Madison Smartt Bell.

Madison has 3 variant forms: Maddison, Maddy and Madisson.

More Details About Madison

How popular is Madison? Any other details?

How to pronounce, Madison? \m(a)-di-son\
Popularity of Madison There were 0 US births last year.
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Names Similar To Madison

Here is are a few lists of name that are similar in many ways to the name Madison

Madison is a unisex name.
Madison starts with M
Madison is 7 letters long

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