Meanings & Origins of Sandy
What does Sandy mean? What is the origin?
Abbreviation of Alexander defender of man.
Abbreviation of Alexander defender of man.
Sandy \s(a)-ndy, san-dy\ as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Sandy), is of Greek origin. Pet form, originally Scottish, of Alexandra. Now sometimes used as an independent given name. Also a nickname for someone with light reddish-brown hair.
Sandy has 4 variant forms: Sandee, Sandi, Sandie and Sanndi.
For more information, see also related names Kani, Shandy, Tandy, Cassandra and Sandra.
Baby names that sound like Sandy are Sandye, Sande, Sanda, Syndy, Sindy and Zandy.
More Details About Sandy
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Popularity of Sandy
There were 0 US births last year.
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